Covid-19 Update

Thank you for your patience over the last few months. We really appreciate your continued support in making this a safe and successful club focussed on providing activities and opportunities for young people and families. Our coaches and helpers have been missing the smiling faces we see in our sessions and we are keen to resume as much activity as possible as soon as possible.

The club Committee has looked at the guidance and advice from British Canoeing and we believe we can now restart some of the club’s activities, but this can only be done if all of us act responsibly and abide by the “social distancing” rules specified by the government.

As ever our aim is to keep everyone safe – members, coaches, volunteers, members of staff and the public. We have agreed that the following activities will restart this week. We must stress that this is not a “return to normal”.

For the moment there are no formal club sessions – what we are doing is making Battyeford and Kit available for club paddlers those able to paddle independently, available to use for their own exercise in line with the current government rules.

As a committee we review the guidance as it is updated and hope to be able to increase the opportunities for more people to return to the water.

To do things responsibly we have had to review our activity safety framework. Even now, we face delays in restarting some club activities where we are still working to agree on a safe way of operating.

Additional Information – Please Read!

All users must abide by the current social distancing guideline issued by the UK Government. Failure to do so puts everyone at risk and jeopardises the reputation of the club.

Please note the rules on exercising. You can exercise with groups of no more than 6 and must be confident that you will be able to maintain that distance throughout your time on the water!

The containers will be able to be accessed for the kit but you must take steps to do so safely in line with public health guidelines.

You will only be able to access equipment by arrangement and soft kit will only be available on long term loan. That means soft kit, buoyancy aids, cags, helmets, spraydecks and so on must be taken home after use. Please care for these until we can arrange for loaned equipment to be returned!
We would also like to allocate boats and paddles where members can store and transport them securely so long as that arrangement will not unduly limit use for others. Members will be allowed to use such loaned boats and paddles at other sites/venues as agreed with the club.

We aim to increase people’s opportunities for exercise and reduce any cross contamination

Note: we are NOT offering formal club sessions. We will NOT be offering any safety cover. Members using club boats and kit will have to be responsible for their own safety around, on and in the water.


Only members of Pennine CRC should be using club boats and kit.

We are unable to provide safety cover – so only competent paddlers will be signed off to paddle.

Members who consider themselves competent to paddle independently and who would like to be signed off should email or message the facebook page – we will arrange a briefing, give details for payments and arrange access to Battyeford.
Members may also be signed off to supervise others whilst on the water.

Signed off members will need to notify the club when they intend to use club boats and kit.

The current UK Govt. Social distancing guidelines should be observed at all times. Please do not congregate in groups on or off the water.

Members with private boats stored at the Club should email or message the facebook page to gain access.

Updates will be posted on our Social Media channels
Any questions? Please ask!