Respecting Experience & Expertise

The Club has no wish to take a top-down approach which specifies the responsibilities of those at the grass roots. Our “Safety Advisor and Float Plan” approach works from the culture at the grass-roots and from respect for how those at the grass roots wish to view their responsibilities.

We trust that at the grass roots, few will have an issue with:

  • Taking reasonable care for personal health and safety and for impact on others
  • Cooperating with others where a lead is taken on health and safety matters
  • Respecting choices others make for themselves and within their groups

Club Safety Advisors make themselves available to guide individual decision making around all formal club on-water activity.

Trust & Self Evaluation

Wherever practicable, our Safety Advisors will accept assurances that competent people with appropriate experience and expertise will draw on their training and use good judgement and sound decision making processes to ensure adequate arrangements are always in place at the moments when they need to be in place.

Where Safety Advisors have concerns around the assurances received, or about the competence, experience or expertise of those who will be in key positions, guidance may be sought from a Club Safety Officer. If this cannot be accessed in a timely manner, Safety Advisors ensure all concerned are in a position to make informed decisions on how they proceed.

There’s still a piece to go in here – please check back later!

Routine Concerns – Everyone’s Responsibility!

If we review the way any Club Activity has been planned we might ask questions around the following…

Unmanaged capsize leading to long swim, entrapment, drowning or hypothermia Canoeist / Kayaker / Swimmer washed over a weir, stuck in a strainer or pinned against a rock Canoeist / Kayaker / Swimmer washed over or being caught against a dam
Lightning Strike Slips Trips and Falls / muscle strains / sprains (e.g. moving / emptying, boats) Collisions, impacts (e.g. by paddles)
Hypothermia, Hyperthermia / heatstroke / sunburn Weil’s disease, gastroenteritis, infection Other waterway users (Boaters, Anglers etc.)

See also Pennine’s Control Measures for Routine Activity

Respecting Process

Whilst recognising that “culture eats strategy for breakfast” – that culture that keeps activity safe – we (as a community) accept there’s a time and a place for process – so as a Club we will:

  • Document participation & key decisions and maintain serviceable activity records
  • Report any incidents, injuries, accidents or near misses sustained within our “span of control”
  • Ensure that the implementation of our policy is monitored for effectiveness Documenting, reporting and monitoring will be overseen by our Club Safety Officers